Saturday, December 23, 2006

'something simple'.

yes, i started a blog all over again. well, this time i'm not gonna waste my time designing a blog template because i find it quite a waste of time now. i mean, a blog is where you post about your happenings. where people, state a point, vent their emotions, whine, and wallow in self-pit (: mostly.

so this time, i'm gonna do just that. haha. i can almost imagine you clicking the x button on the right hand corner of your screen already... but oh well, ihave nothing to say have i?

okay. today, i went to ang mo kio library to meet weishan and my batch to discuss the program of farewell. i slacked at home. i'm awfully sorry. i thank jinjun for telling me to get up and get going or else i would have slacked the day through at home. but i've gotta say that he scolded me rather unpleasantly =X

anyway, got there about and hour late. or slightly more. when i got there, planning was done. but whatever they planned couldn't come up to the expected time of 10 minutes... so we had to start all over again. haha. joewei is damn funny lah. ah, haven't have the energy to recall and elaborate so subject stops here.

i dropped my library books off! at least one of which i have finished reading: Dumb Love. spastic book. really spastic... i mean rather immature. it's like written about a 10-year-old kid or something, who doesn't have an idea of his or her life... or what the world and people in it are like. don't borrow it. don't don't don't.

i figured minjun's a horribly insensitive girl =X at least from recent observations of her actions. or my actions. haha. i swear i'll change! (: and i mean it..

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