Tuesday, May 01, 2007

'mister bastard, jessica has a word for you'.

i've been doing math the whole damn day and i've only come up with a sad number of 20+ completed questions. and that kinda sucks because i have twice the amount more to go. sounds good? i think so. you think?

you asking me why i didn't complete it early eh? i deserve this, huh? uhhuh. i, honestly, damn right agree. because i bloody hell wasted a whole free day yesterday. and i was left with today to finish the whole truckload of work. but guess what? minjun ain't exactly the person who has a focus level of 100%. sounds cool? yup, i think it does.

so yay to the world, because minjun screwed up once again...

hey mister bastard, you know you ain't talking the truth. you know you, damn right, are lying. your promises? well, they never last. so why don't you shut that crap talkin' mouth of your's and bury yourself in a little hole to go rot and die. that's what i'd want. that's what a lot of people'd want actually... once, i was talkin' to some other guy who told me how he and his friend agreed that you'd be the one person a kidnapper should get because he'd be doing the world a huge great favour there. you wanna know a little something? i happen to really agree with him there.

so, mister bastard, take my sweet lil' advice and go bury yourself. or better yet, go jump down a tall tall building and die. alright alright, let me make it easier for that small lil' brain of your's to comprehend- just get your ugly lil' face off the face of this earth. you comprehend now? i really hope you do...

it's about time that you should just stop bloody lying to everyone around you.

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