Wednesday, January 31, 2007

'minjun does stupid things. forgive her'.

haha band was fun fun fun! =D i helped mr lim with the tuning experimentation thing today... so i was kinda slacking (: but it was fun. mr lim is as usual - entertaining. ha.

i dragged Gerrad to j8 after band and all. it was like 6++ lah. oh well, went to eat breadtalk, then dropped my books of at the library. almost going home when we bumped into kiawoon, alvin, akmal, seow hui and mr lim. so we joined them (: walked around. Alvin shopped for clothes like a woman! =X such a good shopping partner lah... he shops like a bloody woman. i swear. even worse than a woman actually - kiawoon and i agreed on this.

oh well. mr lim dropped me home (: it was already 8+ when i got home. sheesh. i was late for tuition. so anyway, had tuition... and geez. i did so much math that my mind is half dead. only two main things are spinning around in my mind right now.. and i don't like the fact that i can get neither out of my head. as usual.

haha. by the way, Bridget in Girls In Pants had waited for Eric -6 years older than her i think- for two years before meeting him again... they got together in the end. it was like the were made for each other. or so it seemed... at least from the point that she waited a whole two years. well... the author never went on about them, so i don't know how Happily Ever After they lived =X

minjun, what the hell are you doing? even Gerrad's got enough... believe it or not. she has!

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