Thursday, February 15, 2007

'retail therapy helps'.

i'm feeling rather happy (: haha. i finally completed like all the shopping for chinese new year clothes! i bought -let's do a total count-: a blue tank top, a flared out mini denim skirt, a pair of dark dark dark -almost black- blue jeans, a punk star tee, a brown bubble dress, a white thick belt and finally a pair of nice strappy AMERICAYA platform shoes! =D yay.

yeah. i went shopping with Wei Qin today (: that lovely woman accompanied me to Bugis Street to get my dress and jeans. she got herself a pair of jeans too ehh XD black ones. i got myself a dark blue pair... ha (: and the dress! haha. the woman selling the dress was so eager to get it out of her hands -i don't want to know why =X- she gave me a discount! a great one =D from $50 bucks she cut it to $38. without me asking... she offered. LOL strange right? actually suspicious.. but argh. heck.

so i got the belt along with it. AND i went to join my mum at Bugis Junction while Wei Qin amet my bro and went of to find HIS clothes... went to try a lot a lot of shoes. finally went to Americaya, where i bumped into dearest Ms Wang, and bought my nice strapy platforms (: they cost 50 bloody bucks though =X ha.

oh yes. i'm feeling really happy too cause the woman who sold me the dress was asking me in chinese about Wei Qin, 'your sister ar?' no. 'huh? really?'. yes, do we look alike? 'haha. no lah. it's just that you two like very close, the bond is obviously there... you act like two sisters so i thought so lor.' haha okay. i could help but smile... gave me this heartwarming feeling inside. it kinda made me happy through the day. till this very moment, thinking of it makes me smile. haha. i love Wei Qin (: hee.

hehs. i love the effect retail theraphy has on me =D

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